July 3, 2023

Poem – Remember You Are Not Alone

Poem – Remember You Are Not Alone


There are paths that lead us down crooked roads.

Where they go. No one knows.

We walk beside each other with blinders on.

And in our rush to get ahead … we miss the dawn.


When you feel as if you are walking alone.

And you are exhausted … dead to the bone.

Know that you are not walking without a purpose or a path.

It asks you to notice the internal conflicts and wrath.


The mind loves to pull … what is whole … apart.

The mind will not tell us to feel deeper into our heart.

That is because the heart knows that we are never alone.

Even when we feel … dead to the bone.


Listen with the ear of a violinist to the strings.
Feel the vibrations before the sound rings.

That is how you know that angels walk by your side.

As they try to let out the sorrows inside.


The sorrow that does not know how to be shared.

Causes a block inside because we can all be scared.
That makes us feel as if we are deeply alone.

When right now, you are already home.


This life is a mirage of what came to be learned.

It is not a reflection of all the stars you have earned.

That is why today, keep close to your heart.

That will allow you to see beyond the separation part.


While we all will seem to walk parts of this life alone.

And certain moments we do not understand what we are shown.

That does not mean that your soul is not filled with a magnificent light.

Even in the midst of suffering, pain, and plight.


Today, know that many of us see your brighter self.
And while you may feel as if someone put you on a shelf.

We see the progress that you continue to make.

And none of what is happening is any mistake.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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