July 22, 2023

Poem – Risk, Failure, and the Discovery of Home

Poem – Risk, Failure, and the Discovery of Home


How many deaths does victory take?
How many failures are you willing to make?
Each life signals that a consciousness is willing to try.

Wise souls do not let opportunities pass them by.

Take a risk and see what can unfold.
It matters not if you are young or old.
Life opens up when we are willing to risk.
Fear not the unknown and discover where you are brisk.

When we allow what we are to find a new way.
Old stuck patterns begin to unravel and sway.
Shake off the familiar, for the new.
Do not let others tell you what you “should” do.

I have learned that I am braver when I adventure alone.
I want to discover all the aspects to my home.
Home is what one’s soul learns to hold firm.
Home is a place where the heart feels safe to learn.

I hope your home is always inside.
I hope your heart has learned not to hide.
Because your open heart can show the way.
For others to find and discover their own doorway.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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