July 3, 2023

Poem – The Call to Freedom

Poem – The Call to Freedom


Let us welcome in this special day.
When democracy had power and sway.

When those with wealth had a vision of equality.

Something we fight for still in our democracy.


Let us celebrate those who had a dream.

Of a world where everyone could shine pristine.

Filled with hope and their life’s potential.
Guaranteed basic rights seemed very essential.


Many have fought for the ideas of peace.

Many wars will continue because tyranny will never cease.
That is why we celebrate this day.

Because the ideas back then were not a cliché.

We are a people gifted with a type of hope.

That all those with different views could learn to cope.
And that together we would be stronger in all ways.

So let these ideas spark a new craze.


That remembers what we have stood for … over 200 years.
So that amidst the fireworks and all the cheers.
We hear the return of freedoms call.
And decide to allow one and all.


To have a chance to be equal in our mind.

Remember, we are here to be compassionate and kind.
Because the fates of one affect the fates of many.
We need to see that there is more than plenty.


But in a culture where the selfish reign supreme.
That is how the call of freedom loses its ring.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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