Poem – The Flights of Egos
Bastions of human potential can turn the tides.
Towers crumble under lies that have been denied.
We watch as those that feed on the many.
Waste all their money and squander plenty.
I watch those that chase after self-importance and gold.
I watch while they do not listen or do what they are told.
Arrogance is a crime for those that have too much.
Especially when they are unkind and out of touch.
I would rather be who I am right now.
I know my value is not based on some sacred cow.
I feel sorry for those that continue to live in a lie.
Because their ego needs to appear so very high.
The flights of egos fall very hard.
They only lead to empty graveyards.
Listen to the soul that is so beautiful within.
Let that blossom from underneath your skin.
That will lead you on a path the follows peace.
That way we learn to honor our soul that will never cease.
While there will always be those that act ruthlessly from fear.
It is our personal choice to never let such souls too near.
~Suzanne Wagner~