July 21, 2023

Poem – The Higher Road

Poem – The Higher Road


Are you looking at a trail from low to high?
Do you feel that you are supposed to live in the sky?

Be a bird and soar with the wind.
Never let another’s fear leave you feeling pinned.

There is so much more if you take the higher road.

Some of them go so much further than you know.
Around the corners are cliffs so high.

There you will know that you can touch the sky.

That is when you will finally see.

That there is a path were dreams can be.

But you must be willing to open those wings.

And allow yourself to do crazy and extreme things.

To those whose mind uses fears to halt and freeze.

All those dreams still linger in the breeze.
Know that your days of being in control.

Of the fabulous beauty in this particular soul.

Are numbered and breaking under the strain.

Something is breaking through and out of the all the pain.

I hope there are souls who realize this change.
Is a part of life and not so very strange.

As you are now at that fork in the road.

Listen to your heart and let the fear go.
Tomorrow, take the path that leads way up high.
And let yourself remember how it feels to touch the sky.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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