April 10, 2023

Poem – Tribute to Toni Lander

Poem – Tribute to Toni Lander


Toni, a famous ballerina, teacher, and coach,

Guiding me toward a life that would take me beyond reproach,

She taught me to heal ancient karmic trauma,

As we dove into the depths of our soul’s drama.


The healer needs healing, the gurus would say,

Toni showed me a path that would pave the way,

Forcing me to levels of new understanding,

That would lead to both our soul’s healing and expanding.


Through her, I would awaken places that I could not see,

As the healer in me stirred and began to break free,

Deep healing would ignite a powerful flame,

And because of her I would never be the same.


Toni was the catalyst that would take me deep below,

To the depths of ego, where the shadows continued to flow,

But she would also lift me up to new heights,

Beyond my wildest dreams and toward a new light.


Because Toni was dealing with lots of karma on her own plate,

I would not burden her with my explorative fate,

For such things are deeply personal and hard to share,

But her teachings revealed that love will always be there.


Toni, you came to show me the path through the darkness.

You were a beautiful teacher, even in the depth of the starkness.

You showed me the way to heal my soul,

And helped me discover that dance to become truly whole.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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