July 27, 2023

Poem – Wander Out Onto The Shoal

Poem – Wander Out Onto The Shoal

I look back on a life so grand.
I feel as if many things will stand.
Stand the scrutiny of other minds.
And allow some wind through the blinds.

In each life, we have many peaks.
Places where hard times developed techniques.
Moments that molded us into new shapes.
Situations that demanded we open the drapes.


There were many moments when the bells tolled.
Moments that were beyond pure gold.
But this life was not for its own glory to tell.
I wanted to create a ride that was like a carousel.

Many animals to go up and down.
Many ways to laugh and astound.
Many positions to try on for the ride.
Many places to experience before you decide.

Life should be joyous like a carousel.
So whether you are an elephant or a gazelle.
Know that each place has purpose to exclaim.
Each position has power and a name.

Listen to that voice that calls to your soul.
Then head fearlessly out into that shoal.
As the tides flow out to the sea.
Discover what you left behind when you remembered to be.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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