Poem – Life and Death
Humanity can be messy and complex.
Okay, let’s just admit that it can be a big mess.
Those who do not know believe they are smart.
That is the big problem from the very start.
In this world, it is impossible to know it all.
If one does, that is the beginning of a big fall.
Life is filled with things that force us to change.
Life is constantly trying to rearrange.
Just when one thinks that all is aligned.
That is when someone gets attacked and maligned.
We are told that if we are very good.
That life will not act like we live in the hood.
But life is messy, and it will force us to our knees.
Just as easily as it will make thoughts into a breeze.
It is always a good thing to try to do what is right.
But often, we cannot see what is coming before a fight.
Life will give us a chance to grow and learn.
Life will break down our egos and watch them burn.
Life is designed to test our character and dignity.
But death lurks behind fear and hostility.
We are always both, though we refuse to see.
That what we are is what we wanted to be.
The challenges and tests that wanted to break us down.
Were designed to let us know if we will stand up in a showdown.
Death watches it all with great interest and glee.
From challenges, we learn to be more carefree.
We appreciate the small things that come our way.
And we learn to let things go that have gone astray.
Because right now, life and death live inside us.
They stroll about not making a fuss.
We are here to learn to embrace both sides.
They are here to teach us that from neither can we hide.
~Suzanne Wagner~