July 24, 2024

Quote – Hate

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 24, 2024Categories: Quote full-paid

Quote – Hate

We are in a world where
those that hate …
feel owed something.
But life was never
designed to be fair,
and we will not always
get what we want.
I have learned that
hate is a dead-end street.
Filled with empty promises
that go nowhere.
Hate is a parasite that
feeds off of those that
believed that hate would
give them power,
justification, and confidence.
But hate breeds arrogance,
righteousness, and a desire
to tear others down to make
themselves feel better.
Hate takes more from a soul …
than it offers.
Hate wounds intentionally
to have control over others.
All the answers of hate
promise quick fixes.
The real answers that have
value take time and effort.
It is easy to tear down things
of value that others have created.
Those that align with hate
will find that when they tear
others down and when they
tear things of value to shreds,
they also tear their own soul apart.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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