September 12, 2024

Quote – Love is the Magic

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 12, 2024Categories: Quote full-paid

Quote – Love is the Magic

Did you ever wonder at what pulls souls together?
I am sure you have thought about a person and suddenly there they were, or they suddenly called.
Love is a magnetic field that draws us together.
Over great distances and even time.
Do not worry if the universe knows about your existence.
It does.
Know that throughout time and space we find each other.
We are magnetically drawn to those who we have shared energy and special moments.
Those that have passed continue to visit.
You know they are there, every time you think of them.
We are watched and supported.
We are loved and comforted.
The question is if we are open to noticing when those special moments happen.
Love is the magic that exists in this reality.
Love is what sustains all life on this planet.
Love requires us to focus on another rather than ourselves.
Love believes in the possibilities.
Love knows there is more than what we currently can see.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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