Quote – We Are A Symphony
Life is like a musical symphony.
There is an opening that sets the tone
and flow for what is to come.
The music rises up and hits various
crescendos pulling on our hearts and souls.
The music seeks to find a place to balance
and eventually … rest.
As the conclusion of that symphony
brings in its final musical notes,
it shows us a part of ourselves
that can finally understand,
that we are those musical conflicts
that seek some resolution.
We are the mastery of
the instruments from the players.
We are the conductor trying to rein
in so many various emotions
and experiences to find some sort of balance.
We are the instruments being played by life
and we are the entire symphony.
Sometimes we are in harmony
and other times we are seeking
to find the paths through the cacophony
of emotional and mental noise that we are.
Just remember, that we are all
a unique symphony that yearns to be played,
wants to be heard in this world,
and will eventually fade away with time.
~Suzanne Wagner~