May 10, 2017

Suzanne Wagner Quote – I am a Dangerous Woman

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner


I am a dangerous woman.
I am a woman that is going to tell you the truth.
I am passionate about protecting those on the margins.
I am a dreamer that knows that the way the world is now is not how the world needs to be.
And I am willing to show another way by getting others in touch with where they have become disconnected to their heart.
I am a dangerous woman.
I will step as easily from the light into the shadow and back.
I will step into your shadow and show you what you have forgotten so that you must reclaim your wholeness and power.
And I will teach you that nothing inside of you is not of the light but that denial of who you really are is what perpetuates the dysfunction that paralyzes your growth.
I am a dangerous women.
I will not step away from being the mirror to the distorted illusions that you wish you believe.
I am relentless in uncovering the truth whether it destroys your most cherished illusions or not.
And I believe that living in a bubble, while safe, is not a life but a limited, narrow expression of your true potential that will not be tolerated in my presence.
I am a dangerous woman.

Do not give me your heart because I just might open it in ways that you cannot fathom or understand.
Do not expect me to placate your childishness when I know who you are and are calling you to power.
And I will shatter your ego into a million pieces to free your essence from the prison of your mind.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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