December 10, 2023

Astrology for 12/11/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: December 10, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 12/11/2023

As we move closer to the holidays, we find places inside that have resources that can astound and surprise us. We are in a place where action demands our cooperation.
There is a sextile between Mercury and Venus. While that is a positive interaction, we are encouraged to move our words with great care and concern. We seek ways to make things clearer so that our understanding can gain a foothold over our fear.
Feelings keep trying to override our responses, but it is time to think before we react. We find that the warm comradery is allowing us a degree of charm and wisdom.
We are just before the New Moon and now is not the time to leap into new things but to finish up old ones.
Uranus and the Sun will quincunx so know that the unexpected is going to happen and it is wise to know that the restlessness one feels inside is pushing us to let go of the fears around the eminent changes that are clearly happening. It is best to fine tune what is happening so that we can feel as if our mind is sharp and ready for what comes next.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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