February 11, 2024

Astrology for 2/12/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: February 11, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 2/12/2024

The Pisces Moon makes us continue to feel sensitive about many things. Fortunately, it leaves this morning and goes into the energetic, get-going sign of Aries and so we are going to feel as if it is time to make things happen. And it will be up to us and our attention and focus to make them manifest.
The Moon will sextile to Mars this morning and it can make us feel as if we need to take things at a slower pace. We are looking for opportunities that will help to advance our world and make things better. Most activities are moving us into a river that leads us towards things that will be fulfilling in ways that matter.
Today, we should approach things in a more direct and honest way. Step away from the old and towards the new. Enthusiasm is being fueled by the Aries Moon but remember to not push the river. If you are in the river, you should know it and feel the flow. There is no need to make things harder than they are. You will get there, perhaps the lesson is to get there more gracefully.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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