February 12, 2024

Astrology for 2/13/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: February 12, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 2/13/2024

The Moon in Aries puts some fire in our belly. We are ready to go into new places and spaces. Let’s see what we might manage to create together.
The big event today is that Mars goes into Aquarius. This adds another dose of energy into this chaotic and erratic sign. This is going to impact us till March 22nd. The good news is that we will need to learn how to cooperate more and recognize that this is less about being right, or letting others know that we are angry. But know that those goals right in front of you are going to feel as if they are more like moonbeams in your hands. Grasping that gold ring will feel more like a disappearing act. As many things will not pan out in the time that you intend, we might as well take some unconventional approaches. What do you have to lose? The tried and true seems to not be cutting it right now. First it is important to learn to step back and be more objective. Second, only move when it feels as if all the pieces are in place and things are ready. Leaping too soon will only make things more difficult. It will be okay to imagine what that leap might look like but taking that leap needs to wait a while before the universe aligns all the pieces into place.
Venus will sextile Neptune and while I know we want to see the good in humanity, we need to remember to look underneath all facades because until we understand another’s core essence, we should tread cautiously. It is not that I want you to feel suspicious about everyone, but I want each of us to recognize that many are overly sensitive right now and are a bit closed. We need to approach things with care and concern and not from the intention of getting the answers we seek.
This is because Mars is adding quite a bit of tension into a coming conjunction with Pluto. There is an underlying impatience that can make us domineering if we do not pay attention to the feelings of others. It will be too easy to make a small mistake and end up causing another to feel as if we are pushing. This could be a spark on dry tinder and inflame sensitive situations and cause others to feel that they need to make some point and to let us know that we went too far.
Used correctly, this energy today can help us find the motivation that has been lacking. It can push us out of complacency and into congruent action. It can be used to put something in our past behind us and instead allow us to move into new arenas of interest. We do need to be careful of our energy levels. Currently we are on the low side and overdoing will not end well if we try to force an issue. There is no need to get into a struggle to define who is right. Instead, find a purpose that everyone can agree on and together move in that direction.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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