February 16, 2024

Astrology for 2/17/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: February 16, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 2/17/2024

The Moon in Gemini continues to support those deeper conversations and allows us to shine a light on the patterns where we are still trapped in dualistic thinking. Let curiosity be your guide today.
Today, we can feel a bit like Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket.
We are trying to learn to tell the truth and we are trying to notice the “tells” when others are lying. It can be a fun game to imagine another’s nose growing suddenly when they once again bend the truth, act evasive and don’t answer the question, or are just outright lying.

But we are also Jiminy Cricket because we need to remind ourselves to let our conscience be our guide. Too often we want to believe the words of others and that makes us ignore that their nose is growing.
But when we have our conscience on the surface, it reminds us to do what is right rather than what is easy. It is easy to blame others but (in truth), most of the time we have a hand in the illusions and self-deceptions that the mind loves to play on each of us.
What is clear today is that we have quite a few heavy responsibilities that are on our plate and yet, our emotional side is not wanting to play fair.
We don’t always get to do what we want. Often, we have things that just need doing on a daily basis. It is easier to learn how to stop resisting and just deal with those things than put them off to another day.
Today is the day to do them.
We get a bit of help from the Gemini Moon harmonizing with Chiron (the wounded/healer/teacher) and the North Node. If we embrace the moment, we will find a renewed sense of purpose and more energy to get things done than we realized.
Venus and Pluto will also align today and that is like when in a Poker game someone “calls” at the end of the game and everyone needs to lay their cards on the table. It seems we need to show who we are if we are going to learn to transform our past into our potential. Give it a try. Our feelings matter and vulnerability is deeply appreciated by others in this moment.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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