February 27, 2024

Astrology for 2/29/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: February 27, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 2/28/2024

This evening the Moon will move into the emotional and complex sign of Scorpio. Seems it is time to seek the deeper meaning in things. Until then the Moon in Libra attempt to bring a better balance into the mix.
As we are with the Sun in Pisces, we open to realize that we are all a part of this world and that compassion is going to be the greatest tool we will have in going forward.
The Moon aligns with the Sun and later today will also merge with Saturn. Many things are becoming clear as we finally have some strong yet practical light shining in ways that we can see what is needed to go forward. Goals become more powerful, and we seem to want to speak in ways that can have a greater impact. While some ideas are just forming … know that they could change things is profound ways. It may not yet be spring, yet many things are in the process of blooming. It may take time for these ideas to bear fruit, but we will feel excited by these new possibilities.
Saturn brings a practical application and plan into the mix and we would be wise to pay attention to what is going to be required of us going forward. The overall, effect can feel a bit sobering but there are responsibilities that require much from us at this time. It is time to stop avoiding the problems and instead recognize that many messages are coming our way indicating that we need to take action.
While all these elements find places to fit into this matrix, it is good to have some time to be quiet and think.
Reality can come crashing in as letter, email, voice message or other verbal and written forms of expression.
Know that many things will need to be revised and will require a creative approach that is fresh and innovative.
If you are feeling more emotional, you are not alone. But these feelings are the fuel to keep us going for now. Just know that this type of energy expenditure will catch up to you eventually and then when it does you might be down for a few days. If that is the case, allow your body to determine the next requirements. We will have to get our energy back first before conquering those next things that will be required of us.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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