March 1, 2024

Astrology for 3/1/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 1, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 3/1/2024

With the Moon continuing in Scorpio, it may seem that shallow conversations just don’t have enough substance to keep our interest. We seek things that are more satisfying and that have depth.
The Sun sextiles to Jupiter early in the day and that adds more positive ways that we can engage with others. We can also have a few good things come our way so enjoy them and remember to share the good energy with others.
When we are tested in life, that is how we build confidence. Each thing that we confront helps us understand what we can overcome. We then can see that fear is just the illusion of inexperience.
Today, allow life to show you how magnificent you are and how capable you can become. Once you are feeling confident then you can empower others to risk and to try things. In those moments, your faith and belief in them might be just what they need to discover those lovely things they have hidden inside.
Today, look to that bigger goal and know that the steps necessary will naturally present when you need to learn them. It is not necessary to try to figure it all out today. Life has a plan. We just need to embrace it when it arises.
There is a sextile between Chiron and Venus and that allows us to be more accommodating to what others need as we can see where their insecurities are fueling odd behaviors.
Remember, that others are a mirror and that as we help them, we might also give ourselves new tools to address our own deeper issues and that will allow us to also grow.
I remind everyone to recognize that love is a choice and when we allow that choice in, then we see the deeper beauty in others rather than the surface projection that our world gets so caught up in.
After all, our imperfections make us unique and that is how we learn to see that there is beauty in all things.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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