March 24, 2024

Astrology for 3/25/2024 – Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 24, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 3/25/2024

The Morning starts off with a bang as we have the Lunar Full Moon Eclipse in Libra while the Sun is in Aries.
“Dramatic” is the word for today, especially with the Moon’s Nodes engaged in this Lunar dance as well.
Seems there is a Chinese dragon in the sky (year of the dragon) that is telling us that what we are doing and where we are, will not get us to the destiny that is now calling our name. A chapter is ending and something new is coming your way. Will you be ready for it?
Notice if you are normally more of a people pleaser. And notice that at this point you just don’t have it in you to give any more. You feel depleted and this eclipse is pointing that out in dramatic ways.
I try to remember (in these moments) that the universe is not trying to hurt us. Most of the time, it is trying to help us. But old habits die hard and the conversations we have desperately held onto for years (and perhaps decades) is just not working on any level, any more!
Fear of change is always a scary leap of faith. But you are being nudged to reach past your beliefs and towards a new horizon. It is time to admit that a chapter has finished. Perhaps an entire book has finished.
We cannot suppress our own needs any longer. Mercury in Aries is a time to let things out that are personal for you. It is important to express what you are feeling and allow those shared words to become an impassioned prayer to the universe as to what you need and want.
We are beginning to open the window on March 25th. And it will go through April 8th. To say that America is going to go into a lot of drama with this great American Solar Eclipse on April 8th, is going to be the understatement.
But today, on the 25th, you may feel in the dark, but you are not supposed to know the answers right now. We are simply waking up to the truth that something deep inside is calling to us and awakening a yearning to move into a very new place.
This awareness will require you to admit that there are things that you just don’t want to deal with any longer.
You may notice how you try to keep the peace at any cost but now you see that the cost is your health and emotional well-being and stability. And now, that cost is too high.
The more that you can be proactive and admit where you are at honestly and authentically … the better off you will be. Notice what has been happening in your life and how those things keep pointing to specific issues that need addressing.
If you experience an enormous sense of lack, you are not alone. If you feel as if your needs are not important to others, you have put yourself on the backburner for too long and may feel like a doormat. These issues have been coming in for a while but now they are intolerable.
Lunar Eclipses indicate that our unacknowledged emotional needs now require us to change our circumstances in a dramatic way.
This is where I go back to my motto for these eclipses, “Enough is Enough! These eclipses will be on this trajectory, hammering away at us through March of 2025 and we were also feeling it building up to this moment starting in March of 2023 (if you remember). But this eclipse has with it a Venus/Pluto semisquare and it will ask us to take a hard look at the truths in our dysfunction. Know that if you are on the wrong side of this fence and want to control or manipulate situations, you will end up just causing more problems for yourself.
With the Sun semi-squaring to Uranus, everyone is feeling stirred up, anxious, and unsettled. But I know the universe! This is what it takes for the drastic shifts that are now required of us.
Know that plans are going to alter and that can cause additional tension. Try to stay loose and to not put your expectations at unreasonable levels.
I am also reminding everyone that Mercury is preparing to go retrograde at the beginning of April so as it slows down in the sky, get computer and technology issues working and backed up.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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