March 3, 2024

Astrology for 3/5/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 3, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 3/5/2024

The Moon in Capricorn wants more than ever to feel safe and secure. At this time in the world with so much happening … it is probably a good thing that we look to what is going to allow us to find safety, knowing full well that we cannot count on governments to do their jobs at the moment.
We are here to learn sovereignty and to take care of ourselves first and only then can we take decent care of others.
This Moon is positively connecting with the Pisces Sun, Saturn in Pisces, and Jupiter finishing up in Pisces. There is always a connection that is positive and empowering between Capricorn and Pisces.
Notice that Capricorn is a goat with a fish tail and Pisces is a fish. They seem to understand each other and can work and flow together positively.
But caution is the leading emotion because what is clear is that we need some very focused intentions for what lies ahead. We need and want to encourage the rules of law and to create systems where people understand that having freedom does not mean that you can actively do things that hurt others.
When we focus on what really matters in the larger sense then we take the pettiness and selfish behaviors of others for exactly what they are, intentional avoidance and subterfuge.
Many just like to make a mess. They like the chaos and revel in its dysfunction … feeling as if they are a mastermind over this world.
But in reality, they are only generating more karma for themselves through manipulating the suffering of others.
That is why today, focus on what your higher self would do under these circumstances. Recognize that doing things that help and support those that need it the most … is always the path to a better world. Besides, doing that allows others to find their own self-confidence and to go forward with more faith and belief in themselves.
What is lovely about this day in astrology is that we can see things in a productive way that allows for more beauty and light into everything we do.

We are ready to get going and to do something well.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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