Astrology for 4/11/2024
The Moon today still reminds us that stability supports the best and most long-lasting changes. But this morning it will move out of Taurus into Gemini and our curiosity comes back into the moment. We want to look at the duality but hopefully in a new way. We seek to understand it so we can come to a new place of balance inside and outside.
The Sun and Mercury form an inferior conjunction and for a brief moment, we get to see something from our past that needs to be remembered if we are to move more successfully into this uncharted future. We need a moment to process what is happening and to press a reset button.
We are halfway through this Mercury Retrograde and while it hit hard and fast (as it was coupled with all the things in Aries), we now see it as something that can give us a fresh perspective and recognize that we are leaning into new possibilities with technology, and we are trying to get a handle on them and still be safe. We are in a learning curve, and it is one that smacked us around a bit, and it probably is not done with us … but we are at least now paying closer attention. Perhaps that was the point!
What is born at this time because of all the Aries energies (new beginnings) has more staying power and can be quite important to who we are becoming.
Words matter more than ever and so be careful what you say and what the motivating forces are behind it.
What is clear is that we are on a learning curve and so this is important to not leap to any conclusions as this is a time to gather information … not come to conclusions. What is clear is that everything is brand new and because of that many more revisions are going to have to happen before we reach our goals. Stay flexible. Allow it to unfold. Know that in the end all the side-trips will make sense.
~Suzanne Wagner~