April 28, 2024

Astrology for 4/28/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 28, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 4/28/2024

This morning in the early ending of the dreams in our mind, the Moon will enter serious and determined Capricorn. It is time to get going and follow through with the plan. No time like the present.
Vesta and the Sun will sextile and that is a very encouraging thing for those seeking to find the path through the brambles. Sometimes those brambles are what we need to do. Responsibilities can feel enormous and yet captivate our attention and hearts.
Mars and Neptune are beginning to dream of a dance they can do together. While tomorrow will be a smoother dance …for today, we might feel as if we are still working the steps out. This dance only occurs every two years and as such our mind wants to take flight instead of addressing the mundane or even the obvious. Daily chores seem tedious and less than fun.
Our impulses are strong, and our intuition seems loud. There is a potency that is brewing inside and longing to come out. Do not let life pull you back from this precious moment. Let yourself fly. Let yourself feel. Let yourself follow that inner fairy that knows the most secret of paths.
Our creativity is the magic that allows us to remember that we are so much more than what we see. Our fantasies are the longings of our soul to reconnect to that which exists in the magical realms.
Energy is low for the day-to-day things. But dreaming about what might be, is a valued activity.
With Neptune and Mars actions that promote joy and creative expression are what brings life back into our soul. The more physical the better. Dancing is always my favorite. I plan to put on music and just let it take me away from this current reality.
Something is inside of us trying to get outside. Something that we still do not quite understand. But figuring it out is not really worth the effort. What fun is there in knowing where the magic wants to take us?
But don’t worry. You will know when you get there.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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