April 6, 2024

Astrology for 4/7/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 6, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 4/7/2024

It is one day before the eclipse … and the energy is alive. Can you feel it? Emotions continue to be confusing at times. But in other moments, they are dramatic.
The Moon in Pisces tells us to feel it all and don’t miss a moment of what is arising. This deep Moon is aligning with Neptune, and that tells us to take time to rest and let go. It is perfect for forgiving things from the past and deciding to move forward with the insight gained and a new approach.
This morning the Moon will move into Aries and that adds to the feeling that we all want a fresh start. The timing adds to all the Aries energies around this eclipse. Something is building for release, and I can’t tell if it is a surprise that is good or … something else.
Because the Moon and Venus align, it is perfect to contemplate your next move. What is clear is that we need to create alignment with who we are becoming and the beauty inside that is trying to get outside.
But all this Aries says that we need to do it and do it now. The direct approach is what is going to be needed the most. What is clear is that waiting is not working and so we have to take responsibility and do what needs doing. Time to take the initiative and embrace the chaos in your life in such a way that it becomes something beautiful.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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