April 7, 2024

Astrology for 4/8/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 7, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 4/8/2024

It’s time for the Great American Solar Eclipse. Woo Hoo! For those in the places that get to see the whole eclipse, have a great time. But I hope everyone sees it as a way for us to come together and remember our humanity!
Today, there is a magnification of all things Aries. The New Moon Eclipse is in Aries at 2:21 pm Eastern Daylight Time. Plan to be in the right place to see it early. I am sure traffic is going to be a nightmare in certain places.
Remember, you don’t want to be looking this eclipse from inside your car.
This is the fourth Eclipse in the Libra/Aries set. The last one being in March of 2025. It is time to get up and get going because there is a huge push with all this Aries trying to get us to get up and get going on something. Aries is the sign of independence and inspiring action. There are plenty of things out there that need someone to fix or change. So, take your pick. There is a lot to choose from.
There is a fire inside that wants to get us to tackle the hard things and all things that separate us, undermine the power of the people, and cause suffering to innocents.
This eclipse either forces us or allows us to see where we have not been in alignment with our true self.
This entire year is one of endings and beginnings.
Pluto is at 1 degree of Aquarius and is activating that humanitarian side of our soul that wants to show compassion and to help the world heal.
Whatever was … is now official done.
That means that we will have to put a lot of effort in over the next year to move us past the petty priorities of powerful puppets.
Add to the powerful compulsion of the eclipse, we have a Mercury Retrograde also in Aries. And one is magnifying the other. It may feel as if we cannot take another moment in this old energy. We have to make a powerful shift and it has to be now. Motivated in a way that feels very good and empowering, we know that no one is going to help so we are going to have to do it ourselves.
Mars is the ruling planet of Aries, and it is coming into touch Saturn in Pisces. This can feel as if instead of trying to pull a heavy wheelbarrow up a hill, suddenly around the bend comes a Bulldozer!
Thank you, Mars!
If used properly, we can get a lot done in a short period of time.
Catch this wave and the changes just might surprise you!
This energy is not about being special but about doing what is necessary to get the job done. The feelings of satisfaction are going to be enough because we are finally doing it for ourselves rather than others. We finally see that we might have the tools necessary to get this done and we are officially over waiting for the right moment. The right moment is now!
Venus and Jupiter will Semi-square in Taurus, so some of you might feel a bit wonky or nervous. Eclipses do that all by themselves for me but in this case, we have an added overflow of energy that might feel as if the universe is trying to jumpstart something … big!
Then we also have Chiron and the Sun conjuncting in Aries and it can make us choose a purpose and to begin to make that into a reality. We will be able to see clearly all the problems and so it is time to figure out how to repair them.
It is going to be clear that it will be a long and hard path ahead. But as we come together, this day illuminates a path that we might not have previously seen.
With all this fire, our confidence is strong and we feel as if our mission is finally becoming clear. Because of this strong astrological enlightening moment, we finally are willing to face the lessons that we have been avoiding. We see how we allowed others to trigger our own insecurities and how that (in turn) buckled our self-confidence.
But … NO MORE!
We see that no one will have faith in us if we do not first have faith in ourselves. If we do not believe in our skills and abilities, no one else will either.
To gather those skills and fine-tune them into something spectacular will require us to repeatedly go into the refining fires of life and allow mistakes to sharpen our mind, upsets to teach us objective response, and delays to remind us that we are missing something important.
All growth requires us to confront what we fear the most.
True faith comes first from trusting oneself to find the answers … eventually. It is not ever about having faith in the words or actions of others. The latter will never build honest self-confidence, but only allow a soul to become a puppet to the powerful.
If we want a healthy world, we will have to work first to become whole ourselves in a healthy, grounded, and stable way.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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