May 18, 2024

Astrology for 5/19/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 18, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 5/19/2024

You might have noticed that the Moon is moving into fullness. Expect it to wake up some of us that are sensitive to the intuitive illumination that this Full Moon in Sagittarius intends to bring our way. While it will be full on May 23rd, many are already feeling its pull.
Today Neptune and the Sun will sextile bringing us into a heightened level of awareness and giving us more sensitivity and insight. Be careful to not let your imagination run wild. Instincts seem strong and their pull intends to show us a very new perspective. But the best way is to just go with the flow. We are here to learn how to celebrate the differences in life as they are the blood that moves through life, giving us variety and excitement because of the differences. We are being tuned up to some higher frequencies and so remember to be charitable in your responses and respect the messages coming in from a variety of angles.
After so many years of discord, dysfunction, destructive and chaotic patterns, for this moment we actually feel as if our timing is great, and we are feeling finally as if we are in the center of the river going down the stream. While we are excited and enthusiastic, we are also awake and aware of the dangers while learning how to let go and have some fun at the same time.
This new and exciting flow is going to challenge us and just know that we are stepping out of our comfort zones in a variety of ways over the next 20 years. The only way … is forward.
Mars and the North Node align later in the day, and we have a spark of motivation that is intended to align our passions with our goals in this life.
The Moon in Libra all day adds a better balance and perspective into the mix.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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