May 18, 2024

Quote – True Listening Is Worship

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 18, 2024Categories: Quote full-paid

Quote – True Listening Is Worship

True listening is a form of worship.
When we listen with our soul …
we allow ourselves to come into unity
with the spaces of silence.
True listening is deeply intimate
because it allows us into
the experiences of others.
Those sacred doorways require
our own silence so we can fully align
with their frequencies and merge.
Something special happens
when we truly listen, and others feel
truly felt and heard.
In that moment all the issues
that really do not matter, fall away,
and we come into a merged place
of being … in which we are one
rather than “other”.
In those spaces of silence,
intimate connections happen
in a way that allows a merging
of souls through becoming
one with the silences, words,
and poetic flows of another.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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