May 19, 2024

Astrology for 5/20/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 19, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 5/20/2024

The Sun moves into Gemini, and we are given an invitation to a new dance. We have taken off our old glasses and as we shifted out of our narrow viewpoint, we find that there is a much bigger world out there asking for us to understand it by bringing more playfulness and curiosity into our lives. The air is blowing, and it is asking for us to come fly away for a moment with it to see the world from another vantage point.
Remember how much your body needs air and light to exist. Realize that those elements operate from a place where they are untethered and boundless. When we are unafraid to move and flow, we are much more willing to learn and grow.

This day is only the beginning of a great wind that is coming on May 27th as Jupiter (the planet of expansion, money, love, and abundance) goes into Gemini. This wind today has the intention to clear out the stagnant air that has made us feel unable to take in a full breath. Fear had stagnated us to the point of virtual collapse. But that air is clearing and with it, it asks us to reclaim our space and to move into a greater space.
Those with little knowledge and small minds refuse to see the power in diversity. Today, we are motivated to open up our minds and allow in more information. It is in our social interactions that we become intellectually stimulated. When we are curious, we long to know and understand. This allows us to focus and that will help tremendously as we all have been challenged in finding and keeping on track. But that playful curiosity is going to be perfect to pull us back to center and from there become aware of options that we did not know we had.
We can feel that there has been a shift, and it is as if a spotlight is now shining on us. But that light redefines us and forces us to see what we refused to see and that will allow us to move with more humble objectivity.
While we can feel and sense the shift inside ourselves, today, words may fail us, and we may not have the tools yet to be effective in trying to communicate this powerful moment to others. This is because of Jupiter in opposition to Pallas (an asteroid).
Think of this day as energy that is beginning to set something in motion. But we are still unclear as to what we have gotten ourselves into. We cannot see the details and the steps that will be necessary for us to succeed. Just know that quite a bit of work lies ahead. It will require us to have more discipline than we have actually had to utilize up to this point. Don’t worry. When you need it … it will be there.
The Scorpio Moon excites us and makes us look to discover those deeper truths that are finally coming to the surface.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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