June 28, 2024

Astrology for June 29, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 28, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for June 29, 2024

The Moon in Aries brings a lot to the surface. We are at a crisis point to determine if we deserve to grow into something better. The question is to see our vulnerability and to recognize where we truly stand. What we choose is going to be an indicator to what we actually deserve. And as individuals we can only blame ourselves for our own actions and choices.

Mars semi-squaring Neptune generates tremendous anger. It creates such a state of confusion and chaos because of the tumultuous and murky waters of Neptune. Many complicated emotions are muddying the waters and taking the wind out of our sails.

There are so many pieces that we see and notice that just do not seem to fit into any sane place or pattern.

It is easy to feel despondent and afraid in such times.
We want the astrology to inspire us to be better. But it currently points out our vulnerabilities and weaknesses. While it seems next to impossible to practice kindness in an environment that is so painfully broken. We want to find how to help others when there are those that create confusion and don’t have plans to really help make things better.

Saturn is preparing to go retrograde, and that energy feels heavy, dense, and despondent. It can feel as if we are walking through waist deep mud, dragging chains.
It will be up to us to find a path through this complex maze. Only once we are freed from the density … can we possibly help others.

We are in a time when fears increase, and doubt is everywhere. It is essential to find a way to reassess what is really important to us.

Mercury and Uranus will sextile this evening. The door is opening for some very new ideas to surface. We have to learn to think differently and how to create new routines so that we can create a better world.

It is important to listen to your heart and follow your intuition. With this aspect, that will help is us finding ways to do things out of our normal routine. That will allow us the opportunity to shift this dense energy into more constructive patterns.

Listen closely to what is attempting to break through the density of this reality and move us into something better.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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