October 20, 2024

Astrology for October 20, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 20, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for October 20, 2024

The Moon is in Gemini giving us insights into the duality that is so prominent in this moment in time. Ignoring either side is going to get you into various forms of trouble because you become polarized, positioned, and decide to defend rather than be willing to understand the nature of what is dividing us. The Moon in Gemini really wants to explore with the infinite curiosity of a child. It wants us to find a way to embrace the opposite as a way to find connection where we might not think there is any.

Neptune and the Libra Sun quincunx and that makes things feel awkward and a bit confusing. We just are not certain, and we don’t know what to decide. Little things seem to get under our skin, and we are feeling still quite drained and exhausted from the past many months of astrological effort.

While we feel a bit better, we just still feel out of balance and finding the answers seems to allude us in very aggravating ways. We want clear answers, but those answers are not forthcoming, so things feel harder than we want. Concentration seems to be all over the place and we are feeling more and more of a need to connect to our more spiritual side. But that will require us a moment to really slow way down and stop running that same old pattern of dysfunction.

What we need is to escape the reality and allow our creative side to have a moment to set us on the right tracks.

Saturn and the Sun will have a minor square this evening. You may notice a type of exasperation over small issues or slights. We feel as if we are in some sort of cage that feels constraining and limits our effectiveness. If prompted, we might be wise to not speak because the timing for our desire to be heard is clearly quite off. An opening might come across as pushing or yelling. And it could make things worse.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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