September 16, 2024

Astrology for September 16, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 16, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for September 16, 2024


The Moon in Aquarius ends this morning as most are asleep. We wake up to an emotional Moon in Pisces and that brings us to the next level of internal growth and expression that seems to be required by the universe.

So, if you feel as if small things are now on the surface, you are not wrong. Might as well use the residue of the Moon in Aquarius’s objectivity to help you sort through to get to the root of what you are feeling and find new insightful ways to heal.

What is clear to me, the older I get, is that what we do not deal with internally, ends up coming out in our aging and dying processes. I watch it even now with my own mother that the fears and traumas that were from her childhood now haunt her even when she is safe and not in danger. It has inspired me to learn to let go even more and to seek those places that we just are still holding onto old fears and resentments.

As we are coming upon the eclipse energy and many patterns are being set in motion simultaneously. The next 6 weeks are going to be very interesting as the energy of these eclipses illuminate both the light and the shadow in our world.

Today, the Moon will trine to Mars, and that gives us an energy that is filled with vim and vigor to get going on some things.

Chiron and Venus are in opposition and the disappointments become obvious and we see more clearly the differences in what is unfolding in our world. It is easy to get caught up in what is not working because it is so blatantly clear. Stay awake to the many layers that are unfolding and know that the process of unwinding dysfunction is not going to be easy.

We begin to look at what we are doing to see if we are contributing to situations that cause others to pull away from us. Those that have selfish tendencies may not see that they are simply not considering the impact their choices have on others, nor do they seem to really care. But if not addressed those imbalances are going to widen the gaps of what is already beginning to break.

If you have anxiety already, do what you can to minimize it because the astrology is beginning to ramp up and if this is hard to deal with now, you may crack under the accelerated pressures that are coming.

If you would not act in certain ways in a sane moment, do not let yourself act that way now. You will regret it.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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