January 7, 2024

Astrology for the week of January 7-13 ,2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: January 7, 2024Categories: Astrology Weekly - Free

Astrology for the week of January 7-13 ,2024

One focus this week is the New Moon that will be in Capricorn on January 11th, giving us a very tenacious and determined outlook from mid-week on. Seems we need to be much more careful while we continue to be consistent in our approach. There seems to be many detailed and practical things that call our attention. While we have more commons sense here, we are also asked to recognize how to nurture our dreams and bring more realism into the mix.
Remember to be as sure-footed as a goat this week and things will go more smoothly.
This halo of good tidings will carry us forward till the Full Moon in two weeks. Acceptance is the key to the many doors that we will need to open shortly. Take a look at your goals and know that we will need to discover those things that matter most to us.
The New Moon connects with Uranus beautifully adding a good dose of intuitive connection and the processes for healthy relationship.
This week we continue in the time of Capricorn with the Sun motivating us and reminding us of the standards and structures that are necessary. Results matter! Knowing and creating the framework that will support our reality is crucial for being able to attain that long term goal. Impulsivity is not the right door. A slow and steady progression is.
Mercury will be in Sagittarius till the 13th. At this point we should have a handle on this energetic cycle. We are interested in many new things, and we feel as if we can have faith in our perspective. Those things in life that feel either appropriate or inappropriate, fair or unfair, loom large.
Though we feel as if we cannot completely point to exactly what is needed. Seems more questions than answers are hanging in our mind. And no clarity is coming quickly.
Mercury is in Capricorn and once again the focus is very Capricornian. Seems we need to stay very realistic in our approach and we need to get very organized in how we speak about things to others. We may want things to fit into a specific box. Just remember, that rarely happens and if it does, it will not do it for long. Most souls that are rigid and unyielding will have the hardest time.
For sensitive souls, a bit of pessimism is to be expected. Even when they do not want it to be true.
Jokes may not go over well either. People are a tough crowd at the moment. Leave the sarcasm at home. To others it will feel harsh and mean-spirited.
This is obviously a good week to get into a planning mode and look ahead to what needs to be done.
Venus is in Sagittarius, making us feel more joyful, which is helpful with so much in serious Capricorn. The best way to play with this aspect is to go on a romantic vacation. Getting out and getting away is just what is needed to go forward. We want to share our dreams, goals, thoughts, feelings, beliefs and visions.
This aspect allows our curious nature to want to get in closer with those we love.
Just remember that love is messy and openness while refreshing can also reveal a bit too much and cause some hiccups. Be careful with the money. This combination can be so enthusiastic that our inner shopper can get out of hand.
Mars is in Capricorn adding to the tone of self-reliance and responsibility. This should make all of us feel a bit careful in our approaches, but we need to remember that we can be slow to anger but once irritated we can be cold and calculating.

Jupiter continues in Taurus until May 25th, we want to have clear goals and manage our results well. A steady approach is favored, and we are discerning about who and what we want to give things too. We will continue to learn patience and we are trying to gain the momentum to get things moving more towards comfort and stability.
We do not want to take on more than we should but with Uranus in Taurus as well, continuously disrupting so many things, it is hard to feel as if we are going to get a break anytime soon.
Saturn remains in Pisces till February 13, 2025. So, batten down the hatches for the long haul. We are just getting a taste of this aspect and we may feel as if our slip is constantly showing. Our vulnerabilities are obvious to us and perhaps others.
What this causes are those that are slightly off center to get more emotionally distorted and then they feel as if they have the right to lash out at others because of their own inability to maintain sanity in the face of so many current astrological challenges. There are people that hide behind google fake phone numbers and feel as if it is their right to project blame and their own distortion on others because of their ability to be anonymous. We will eventually need to change the laws to make it an offense to cause emotional and mental harm to innocent people. This aspect causes certain types to play the victim, when their own off-ness is leaning into the domains of insanity.
The best way to deal with this aspect is to constantly work quietly behind the scenes and to support those with creative abilities to find ways to make the world a better place.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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