June 4, 2024

This Week in Astrology – Astrology for the Week of June 2-8, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 4, 2024Categories: Astrology Weekly - Free

This Week in Astrology – Astrology for the Week of June 2-8, 2024

Once again, I am running a bit late with the weekly astrology. So sorry about that. We have had many things needing to be done before it gets too hot here and when it gets too hot, I won’t be able to do them. So, I got lots of essential gardening done over the weekend, that I have put off for too long … such as separating Irises and redistributing them to new places. It was a lot of hard work and I have more to go … but it has opened up my garden and it looks better.

But let’s get to the astrology for this week.

I feel like a cheerleader, yelling, “Give me a “G”, give me an “E”, give me an “M”, give me an “I”, give me an “N”, and give me another “I”. What does that spell, “Gemini!”
Yes, there is a feeling of excitement, and our curious nature is out in full force. We want to celebrate the freeing of the mind and the understanding that we cannot separate ourselves from this world in which we live. We are a part of this world, and it feels as if there is a spark of hope that we might start acting in a more sane manner. While there is a long … long way to go, with the Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and the New Moon in Gemini, there is an unstoppable force for awakening happening. And that is a very good thing.

June 3rd – Jupiter will trine Pluto, Mercury also goes into Gemini

This energy gives us the energy to do what is needed and we are looking at how we can somehow expand together. This is a unifying aspect and that is something we have not seen in years with all the engaging qualities of Gemini. We live in a place where opportunities arise, and we can have growth happen quickly.
Pluto is a leopard that cannot change its spots and it plans to punch through the walls that had seemed to block our path. But now with it in Aquarius, it sees things for what they are, illusions meant to confuse and stop progress. And Pluto in Aquarius will have none of it! Pluto is going to keep punching holes in that wall that now begins to seem like paper walls made to look solid. The breaking down of these walls (while it will take the rest of this year to do) will be easier than anticipated.
Trines are normally positive and we want to look for how to work together rather than separately. We want to bring out the best in each other but to do that we are going to have to first get honest with ourselves. There is a new level of depth being required from each of us before we figure out how to take the next steps. There are new levels of insight that will be powerfully transformative from what we thought we knew, to now seeing what we actually knew.
They say, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” Currently we feel more ready than ever. And those teachers can be new knowledge, information, insights or teachings. We really want to remember who and what we are so we can make sense out of all these pieces that are now in our hands.
Mercury goes into Gemini, and it is happy because it is in its home sign. This is very beneficial and supports us in being able to handle the rapid shifts that are happening in technology. We need our mind in tip-top shape. We need to feel as if we can understand and make sense out of many complex steps.
This astrology supports us in knowing how to build up our cognitive skills to match the reality in which we now find ourselves.
Not only are we learning and grasping many new and complicated concepts, but we are also discovering things about ourselves that we never knew. If we allow it, we will see that the narrative that we have been running may not be completely accurate because there were many parts and pieces that we were unaware of. We see how assumptions determined how we shaped our own mind and our current perceptions.
This is a beautiful thing because if we alter (even slightly) the story we have been telling ourselves … we will discover a totally new way to walk in this world. What will become clear, is that we no longer want the old narrative. We want to choose a new way. We feel as if our eyes can finally see, and our hearts are ready to light up.

Jupiter will Conjuct Gemini – June 4th
As Jupiter is sitting on the edge of the early degrees of Gemini, it is going to be met by fleet footed Mercury doing the same thing. And for a moment, they decide to connect and open the magical doors of wonder, excitement, and collaboration.
Jupiter wants to “Go big or go home!” and Mercury loves all things in the mental world. This is a moment when magic seems to happen without trying. Those that are supposed to help you arise effortlessly and with no resistance. After things being so hard for so long, it can feel as if the universe is in the mood to throw blessings all around. It helps us feel as if we are a part of some bigger plan and that finally something has our back.
The possibilities expand and the potential is now obvious. But this moment will not last long and so you have to leap as it is offered and not hold back. This moment will pass too quickly. Believe in your dreams and learn to allow those dreams to begin to have a life of their own.

Venus appears to enter the light of the Sun – Venus Cazimi – June 4th
Expansion is happening in lots of ways, and this is just one more piece of good news. We feel surrounded in positive light and love. We are happy in a way that we almost forgot we could feel. Our self-doubt seems to have gone away and we see that there are new insights and perspectives that are going to try to allow us to shape a new future.

Gemini New Moon – June 6th

And we are not done with all this Gemini this week. The Moon and this Sun are aligned, and it feels as if things are happening. We feel freer and as if the air we breathe is more alive and inviting us to play. Notice how active the mind becomes. Notice that we are looking for some sort of energetic connection that flows gracefully and naturally.
An open mind … opens your life.
Notice the words you use and the magic those words begin to weave. As we weave this new reality, the blinders come off our eyes and the wisdom inside shifts how it wishes to be shared.
Those that love to sing … need to sing. Those that love to speak cannot hold back from speaking. Those that express emotions through their body are inspired to do that in new ways.
Finally, it feels as if there are new doors being offered for us to move into. As we do that, the old doors close and disappear. Those old ways were a vehicle by which we learned how to navigate that reality. But now, we are in a very new one. And we realize that we do not need a car but an airplane. Don’t worry, your plane is waiting for you in the hanger. You just will need some lessons in how to fly it.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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