Weekly Astrology for December 29-January 4, 2025
The book is closing on 2024. What comes next is going to take all of us on the ride of our life. Rarely do we get to participate in a moment of catalystic change. Not all change is appreciated. But eventually we will see that all of it is necessary.
Chiron comes out of retrograde and we start this week off with a New Moon in Capricorn. Mars and Pluto will oppose Venus and we are clearly moving quickly into places that will require us to release, let go, open, heal, and be willing to admit deep things that want to breathe in the fresh air.
December 29th, Chiron comes out of retrograde
Chiron finally shifts from its retrograde into a forward motion. It is a perfect day to open up the deeper self and to share that with someone you love and trust. It is time to crack that heart back open and allow yourself to show some vulnerability. That is how hardened hearts will melt, and love can again blossom.
December 30th, New Moon in Capricorn
It is time to clear out the holiday energy and clean up from all the celebrating. Because Monday morning we will have to get right back at it. Times a wasting. January is a busy and motion packed month. Do everything you can at the beginning of January because as the month progresses, you are not going to have much time to wander. It will be a time to take action … and quickly. Today it becomes clear that now we need to take action and get going. How this next month goes is going to be fully in your hands and dependent upon your ability to take responsibility for your actions and choices.
If you feel pulled in many directions that is exactly the point. We are setting the tone for 2025 and that is that each of us will need to pay attention because there will be a lot of feelings rising up. It is as if we need a map to figure out what and where we belong. Nothing seems to make any sense. The tangible seems like moonbeams in our hands. What used to be so stable and solid for us is no longer that at all. If that is the case, what can we depend upon? The answer is only ourselves. We are going to have to figure out how to harness our passions and desires to create a very new physical reality. But that will take time, and we are not going to have clarity for a while. That does not mean to stop seeking it.
January 1 – The Moon goes into Aquarius
The loopy things seem to loom larger. The distortions seem to magnify. The ground under our feet seems to shake … and the stability we long for feels like quicksand. But a creative mind can do a lot with this much energy in play. Redundancy is boring and causes lethargy. There is nothing about 2025 that is going to feel that way. Today, the first day of 2025 sets the stage for the next year. Really notice where you are at and what is attracting and drawing you in. There are many games that our intuitive side is going to play on us. Let’s see who is really paying attention. It will be in the silences that we will find the truth. The answers others are giving will be false and a lie. We cannot depend upon what we are going to be told. The currents of these very new tides are going to take us where we have never been before. Much is going to be asked of us. Much more that we can anticipate or know how to plan. That is why we are going to have to learn to move with each chess move and think carefully through our options with each new shift on this board that is our life.
January 2nd, Venus goes into Pisces
We do not need to prove our worthiness. Every living thing has a powerful and unspoken value that most will never really completely grasp nor appreciate. Others recognizing us is not what this life is about. We are here to let that light inside our soul out. We are here to remember to move with compassion and unconditional love no matter what. We are here to let our imaginations fly and our creativity explode. We are here to find wisdom through the experiences we have in this lifetime. Today is a doorway into another reality. We are asked to sacrifice our old self on the altar of life so we can become something more. We are here to embody so fully that everyone feels at home in our presence, safe in our care, and seen by our intention to become something better.
January 3rd, Moon goes into Pisces and Mars opposes Pluto
The Moon in Pisces is going to stir our emotions. For some that may make the tensions mount and our dreams be an emotional roller coaster. Don’t make mountains out of molehills. This is not the moment to overreact.
Especially with Mars and Pluto in opposition, let’s just say that power games are underway and threaten the world and us personally. The darkness hiding in the depths of our unconscious selves is coming out in full force. Our shadow selves are awakening and now are ready to be a part of this profound transformation that is needing to happen. Movement is going to be helpful if not essential to maintaining our sanity. Dance, write, play music, and let your body shake this dysfunction loose from your soul. Liberation is on the other side of all this tension.
This is a week to respect yourself and those around you. Trust very few to give you feedback and recognize when you are being manipulated by forces and people that have an agenda.
This is going to be a year where those few that have the courage to live truthfully will be targeted and terrorized. Listen to your own heart and it is time to ignore the words of others who intend to only control the minds and actions of the people. The forces are focusing inward to support us to become someone better. The forces that are outwardly and obviously destructive intend to take everyone they can on their ride to obliteration. Do not get on that train.
~Suzanne Wagner~