June 21, 2020

Numerology/Astrology for 6/21/2020 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 21, 2020Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 6/21/20

6/21/20 is the number 4. If you add the 6 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 13.
1 + 3 = 4.

There can be no peace without clarity, boundaries, fairness, and justice.
That is why things are so difficult right now. I believe that the majority of Americans attempt to be all the above. There are many that attempt to follow the “Golden Rule” and are bound and determined to not let our country go backwards into hate and segregation.

Regardless of what the haters want, I believe in the power of the people of this country. It seems that finally a majority of them have had enough of this insanity and are standing up and speaking out. Balance is achieved only through tremendous effort when so much is dangerously out of balance. That is why you always start with yourself. If you are balanced then regardless of what the world is throwing out, you have your center and sanity. Then you can make choices that are better balanced and less reactive.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

Expect a lot of emotional ups and downs on Father’s Day. With the combination of a comfort and safety seeking Cancer Moon, then still feeling the tail end of the solar eclipse, and with Neptune slowing down to turn retrograde Monday night, it will make for an interesting day.

All the aspects indicate a fresh start and new beginnings. You are being asked to look deeper and to pay attention to your intuition and what you are feeling. Something is below the surface. Rising slowly more and more into your consciousness. It is difficult to trust what you cannot completely see or define. It is like an alligator that is walking on the bottom of the river. You cannot see it but you can feel something about to break the surface of the water. There is a feeling of some sort of danger that is not normal or familiar. Because of that sense, pull your family close and know where you belong. Safety is more important than ever before. Know who you can trust. Keep your family circle tight.

These eclipses are a cosmic two-by-four pushing you for a world with better balance. Inner and outer need better alignment. Knowing who to nurture and how to nurture those you love becomes even more important.

The Sun-Saturn quincunx creates clashes and upsets. Each of us is responsible for helping change this world out of dysfunction into more responsible movement. As so many planets are slowing down or retrograde know that you will suffer doubt and a fear that you do not have enough energy to get through this moment in time. Have no fear. You do have what it will take to pop out the other side. Believe in yourself. Believe that this moment will change into something better.

~Suzanne Wagner~


While we are the problem,

we are also the solution.

While we are unique,

we are also common and base.

While we are here

we have a responsibility

to protect those that suffer.

If you are not protecting …

you are complicit to,
and responsible for, the

damage being done.

~Suzanne Wagner~


I try to live my life through the perspective of looking at what another needs and not just to making choices that are exclusively about getting my own needs met.

Certain things in cultures and civilizations actually cause me suffering and pain when I encounter them.

When anyone puts another person down from a place of judgement.. It causes me pain.

The “cast” system in India when the differences between the “haves” and “have nots” is shockingly vast…..causes me pain.

Those that treat others as servants and slaves and demand things in a tone where they are looking down at another… causes me pain.

People ignoring the suffering of homeless people on the sidewalks …. causes me pain.

People hurting other people for any reason … causes me pain.

People hurting animals in cruel ways that are designed to be pointless and cause suffering and death …. cause me pain.

Humanity destroying our world, air, water, land, and wildlife…. causes me pain.

Humanity not caring and being numb….. causes me pain.

What all these things have in common is us. We can make laws and decisions that could easily stop all of it. It is up to us to choose and to draw a line. I believe that line is being drawn as we speak. I believe that the global horror in this moment is so extreme that finally some clarity and conscience is happening.

For that I am grateful.

It is in seeing the truth

that I can breathe.

It is in this world waking up

that I can begin to hope.

It is in humanity finally

recognizing the suffering

and karmic debt it is creating

that I can begin to feel

constructive movement.

It is in a shift in the laws

and rules of this dimension

that I believe we can correct

the mistakes of our ancestors

and free them from the karmic

burden of their choices and actions.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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