May 13, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 5/14/17 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 13, 2017Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 5/14/17

5/14/17 is the number 20. Look to the feminine devotion today that brings a gentle, kind, and unselfish energy into this world. It is the protective nature of the feminine that allows for babies to learn and grow because of their amazing focus and graceful sharing of support and love that gives confidence to children and the willingness to try. Learn today to be considerate to others and find your inner grace. Then let that out into the world through your understanding and acceptance. Everyone needs to belong and feel safe. It is the feminine that has a deep and abiding commitment to others that allows souls to grow into their potential. Thank You to all the Mothers of the World.

Mother’s Day is relatively uneventful from an astrological point of view. But enjoy this family holiday and really honor the gifts and compassionate energy that comes from the feminine into this world. Without women, the world would be a very dull place. A place lacking color and vibrancy. A place lacking the compassion and limitless love that is the nature of motherhood. Honor your mother today and know that even though each person makes many mistakes in a life, it is the glue of family that comes together in times of crisis and it is the feminine that provides a great deal of unconditional love and acceptance when you really need it. Family activities are better Sunday morning and afternoon. Avoid emotional topics come evening. The moon is in responsible Capricorn to begin the week.

The Moon ends its transit of Sagittarius early in the day, at 1:39 AM EDT and spends the rest of the day in Capricorn. Under the influence of a Capricorn Moon, our sense of responsibility is stronger than usual, and we aim for efficiency in most areas of life. We seek to see the reality of a situation. With Mercury in minor challenging aspect to Neptune, however, we may struggle with our perceptions, which can be clouded by wishful thinking. We tend to favor daydreams or creative thinking more than dealing with facts and figures. It’s not an ideal time for formalizing agreements as we may not be paying close attention to details. However, a Mars-Pallas connection points to the courage and energy to back up our beliefs.

~Suzanne Wagner~



For too much of my life
I’ve apologized when I wasn’t
wrong. All to make a situation
better. I’m not going to
be that person anymore.

~Samantha King~


Their behavior was the antithesis of compassion.
Their actions were the opposite of truth.
When the projection and the actuality
are radically different you have to
step out of your illusion and come back to the facts.
However, so many wish to believe the illusion
as it requires no self-responsibility.
It allows for blame and no ownership
of contributing to that projected illusion.
Truth is not something that someone
usually wants to hear.
Truth challenges your perceptual bubble.
Truth hurts as it tears apart the delusion
that you have been living in
and forces you back into the “real” world.
But the “real” world is this planet,
these animals, this air you breathe, and these people.
If you are not here you can blindly
become a contributor to the destruction
of what has made this world so special.
You are either a co-creator and protector
of this world or you are a part
of the minions of destruction.
You choose.

~Suzanne Wagner~



I did not come to this planet to make your comfortable.
I came to awaken you before it is too late.
I have seen and witnessed the destruction of this world,
over and over again.
Each time I attempt to awaken enough
so that the darkness cannot take over
and tear down the amazing accomplishments
of this beautiful blue/green planet.
And I am not alone.
There are more light workers on the planet now
than have ever been on the planet.
And yet, even now, the lure of the darkness,
the lies, the illusion continues
to be a dangerous enticement for so many of you.
It will be those that again
create the destruction of another
great society and moment.
It is those that align with the deceivers
that solidify the ultimate end
to everything you presently value.
As a light worker we can only show the truth
in the blinding glare of honest reflection.
As a light worker we cannot fall
into the pit of darkness that threatens
to swallow all the accomplishments
and advances of man to pull you out.
You must be willing to grow
beyond your mind’s projected desires.
If you cannot, you are not ready
to go to the next level of evolution
that is the potential of this present state of energy.
Without that discernment and clarity
you will not be allowed to progress
as you are a danger to yourself and others.
You will become again ensnared and entrapped
in this dimension and
at this level of consciousness,
where power and control
are valued more than truth and justice.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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