January 6, 2023

Astrology for 1/7/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: January 6, 2023Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for Today 1/7/2023


The Cancer Moon comforts us most of today until it moves into Leo this evening.
Mercury and the Sun interact in some interesting ways bringing a very different insight into a clearer focus. The future lingers on the edges of our awareness, and we seek to understand what is happening to us from another perspective. New thoughts invade our senses as we try to find what is important now and allow the past to fade into the history of our experience.
Notice the words that we are choosing and notice if they align with our body. Are we congruent with what we say and how our body responds to those words. Remember that 80% of language is non-verbal. When we repeat the words of others out of habit and lack of our own inner knowing we can inadvertently continue threads of misinformation if we are not careful.
Sometimes, I find it is just easier for me to say, “This is what is true for me now!” Because wisdom is an evolutionary process of a soul’s journey to understand itself and its purpose at this time.
Notice what used to be true to you in your past. And notice what is true for you now. See how certain things allowed you to open to a greater potential and how once that happened how the knowledge seasoned into a deeper form and understanding.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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