December 8, 2023

Astrology for 12/8/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: December 8, 2023Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 12/8/2023

The Moon completes its transit through Libra this evening. So most of today we are just looking for fair-minded exchanges with others. We wish to express our more gracious side and wish for others to join us in contributing towards things with the greater good in mind.
The square of the Moon with Pluto can mean that we are a bit on edge and not sure if we are willing to trust someone. We can feel like we are on a teetertotter and one minute we are fine and the next instant we are not. Fear of betrayal is big today but remember that our minds can make mountains out of molehills.
This evening with the shifting of the Moon into Scorpio some form of sanity returns and we seem to have a better grasp of things. Passions will be strong over the next few day.
Mercury in Capricorn keeps us on the task at hand and we seem to be more rationally organized in our thoughts. We seem to want others to avoid long stories but prefer if people just get to the bottom line of things. Just know that such an approach can come across as impatient and cold. But we just don’t seem to have the energy to listen to those that want to drag things out.
We also will not want our plans changing suddenly. We prefer for others to stick to the plan.
Venus in Scorpio wants deep connections with others. We are not interested in shallow engagements. We toy with ideas of deeper relations with those we love but being vulnerable seems scarier in the Scorpio trend of “all or nothing!” We want to feel alive, but we also want to feel safe.
Mars in Sagittarius keeps us feeling restless and my suggestion is to channel this energy into playful ways that have strong morals and help us become champions of truth. We want to stretch but we want it to able be inspired.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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