February 25, 2018

Intuitive Patterns for the Month of April 2018

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: February 25, 2018Categories: Astrology/Numerology, Intuitive Patterns Daily


Osho Zen Tarot: Understanding, Possibilities
Medicine Cards: Porcupine, Squirrel
Mayan Oracle: Lamat, Hologram, Transparency
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Three of Wands, Death, The Magician
Aleister Crowley Deck: Princess of Wands, Love
Healing Earth Tarot: Six of Shields, Grandmother of Crystals
Words of Truth: Laughter Commitment, Shame

The Grandmother of Crystals asks you to trust the healing power of innocence, trust, and the heart. Deep inside you know what is right. It is your ego and mind that justify and attempt to weave a story to make your heart wrong. Hearts are never wrong. Ego and mind is often wrong when it is being channeled through fear and the intent to manipulate and deceive.

This month this Grandmother asks you to attend to your own healing first. It is time to pay attention to what you need, to be present with the tasks at hand in your life. If you feel not grounded, then know that you aren’t stable in your core. It is time to balance your thoughts with your external actions. Only then will your heavy heart lighten. Your energy centers require an adjustment and a new balancing. It is time to be open to the gifts that are attempting to come into your life and step more into a state of wonder.

The cage in which you have found yourself finally has a door open for you to move beyond this restrictive phase and into a freer place of motion. The possibilities expand exponentially when you take the risk and step beyond the known and into the unknown. Let the discontent propel you into another sky and another world. The very nature of existence cannot have any boundaries. It is a creative, limitless, garden of infinite potential.

Stop seeking contentment. Contentment is repetitive and boring. Contentment breeds smallness. Seeking contentment is about accepting that what you have is good enough. But do you have really enough ecstasy? Do you have enough silence? Do you have enough joy? That choosing smallness is your mind’s imposition upon your freedom and your unlimited potential.

Those in power say that we cannot do this, and we cannot do that? That is a limitation of their own mind and you do not have to accept that as your own. If they can convince you to accept your lot in life and your smallness they guess who wins? They do! They get to take that extra money and everything else for themselves. That is not how this world is supposed to operate.

When someone gives you a limit and a restriction, ask them, “Why?” You will find they have so many arguments to show that they are right, but they are wrong. The universe is infinite. All things can be accomplished. It is only the limitations of the mind that tells us otherwise. Greatness comes when you refuse to accept the social standard and limits. It is time to stop feeling ashamed for wanting what will work for all. It is time to commit to finding a doorway through this hateful delusion and into the places of play and laughter.

If you are magic, (Which I believe everyone is.) then let the magic show you the way to create the world of all of our dreams. You can look at the smallness that lives inside the dungeon of your fear and operate from that very limited and restrictive place or you can allow the innocence in your heart to guide you along an uncharted pathway towards a new way to connect and contribute to the whole.

Lamat is the starseed energy that shows you how to generate harmony through a multitude of beneficial combinations. When you connect to that part of your limitless self you remember that self-doubt is a lie, disconnection is a choice, and love is eternal. When you choose to cultivate the harmony and the patterns of how we are all connected to everything in this dimension and beyond, then you have access to energies that are not of this world and that know how to transcend the obvious and manifest from the subtle.

Look to where you have over identified with a particular role that you have been playing. Or perhaps that role has been playing you. Look at how your self-judgment and your critical nature stops your gift and talents from being given in this world. And what a shame and a waste because right now, everyone’s talents and gifts are so desperately needed. There are elements of truth in all teachings but remember that there are just as many truths when you step on your own path.

Where you are in harmony is where you are solid in your foundations of self. It is the anchor that allows your soul to co-exist with this body. It is time to expand that harmony and really generate such stability that more of your star essence can ground into this moment. From that place you will feel safe. From that place you will be confident. From that place you will find the pathway that you have been seeking.

To find the self, you have to release yourself from the labels that are presently holding this reality together. To know who you really are, you have to free yourself from those definitions that where given to you by others or that you gave to yourself because of situations and circumstances. When you are nonidentified with your experience you find a type of immunity to situations. You stop personalizing them so much and your emotional reactiveness will dissipate. You are each an actor with many masks in the closet. When you open into the transparent nature of being you may “know” nothing but you will finally simply be.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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