Numerology/Astrology for 10/6/2022
10/6/2022 is the number 13.
1 + 0 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 13.
If you add 1 + 3 = 4.
The Number 4 is associated with Buddha. He brought in the concept of self-actualization. He gave us the realization that we have the ability to transcend this dimension without the need to pay churches or spiritual people if we are willing to do the hard work … go within … be in silence … listen from a compassionate heart … and do the necessary steps to move beyond the games of karma.
He understood that in order to achieve balance one must let go of what we are attached to. Harmony is within each of us but to get there we must look at where we neglect our own needs and how we have allowed external circumstances to rob us of our inner peace.
This number is the lesson to learn how to be self-assertive without the need to be demanding or aggressive.
True peace in not achieved at the end of a sword.
When one is at peace, we can cultivate the skills of good listening with full presence. This is a powerful tool to help us be open and to learn from others.
This is a number of communication but communication is not just verbal. 80% of all communication is non-verbal.
There is a favorite phrase a teacher taught me and that said, “The meaning of my communication is the result I produce!”
That means that if we are not clear internally and not at peace within, our words can appear to be perfect on the outside but our energy, body language, tone, and intonations can be saying something very different.
Then others react to the energy underneath our words. If we are suppressing anger, others respond back in anger or defensively. If we suppress attachment, others will want to withdraw because they can feel the hooks and they pull back. Attachment always feels sticky, karmic, and not healthy.
Today, make healthy choices and remember to listen with full presence. Find the balance within and allow that to infuse us with hope for others to also find peace.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology for Today 10/6/2022
The Moon will shift out of community minded Aquarius and into Pisces this morning. This deepens our resolve and tries to open our heart.
Emotions come into the forefront of importance, and we pay attention to those subtle things that help to manifest impulses that move us towards things we desire, want, and need.
Pluto and Mercury line up in a trine and those things that seemed to cause consternation and concern finally find a resolution and some decent answers.
We are served by this aspects ability to focus the mind, see into things that have been psychologically confusing and allow us to step beyond the veils of our current level of understanding.
Many things can become revealed and new insights are exciting and give us clarity.
Answers arise when our soul is ready to hear what we did not want to address previously. Answers are always available if we are willing to take in what is offered, evaluate it, and decide if that information has value to expand our awareness.
Today, we release what has mentally been holding us back. And we can see the withholding mechanisms that have limited our progression.
~Suzanne Wagner~