Numerology/Astrology for 11/16/2022
11/16/2022 is the number 15.
1 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 15.
1 + 5 = 6
The Number 6 is where the concept of justice takes precedence. This is the number where we all have moments (and some have lifetimes) where they decided to seek conscious perfection.
This number is the path of purity. It is those places where we seek to find that divine spark within each of us.
We all have a spark of that divine light within us. But in this world of duality, we often seem to lose touch with that light … as this world pulls us into its density. That light still exists and it calls to us to find those spiritual paths that support us in remembering who we are and what gifts we came to give.
This number is the reminder that when we are feeling afraid or threatened, we will turn to paths that are rigid and dogmatic.
Then we pick paths that have a self-righteous bent and that have strict rules of conduct. The tighter we adhere to those dogmatic positions the more fear we hold inside.
That is why eventually such systems make us feel as if we cannot breathe and that will force us to see the fears we still hold.
Today, embark on a path of tolerance. To do that we have to first forgive ourselves for our own patterns of fear. It is impossible to forgive others when we are unwilling to open and take risks.
This is a number that calls to a soul to retreat into spaces of quiet and solitude. Often, only when we are alone can we create the safety that will allow us to see who we are now and who we could become if we are willing to accept our life and choices as an essential part of the journey of awakening.
Become aware of those places where we want to rescue humanity when we probably need to use that energy to support our own awakening first.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology for Today 11/16/2022
The Moon will shift out of bouncy Leo and into structured Virgo this evening.
But in the morning that Leo Moon will stand in the position of the Third Quarter and then square to the Sun in Scorpio. This is a time to think about what one wants and to sort things out rather than push something forward.
We are in a time to notice what we need to do and to stop avoiding those things that we need to embrace.
Some things need to be released and we will question those next steps.
Today, Venus moves into Sagittarius and Mercury will also move into Sagittarius tomorrow. Venus will be in this sign till the 9th of December. That makes it a perfect time to move towards romance and love.
With the help of Mercury, the way to approaching deeper places of intimacy will seem much more direct and honest. It will seem as if we don’t want to play the normal games of love but instead seek a more mature way to connect and do so with greater sincerity and honesty.
Money may seem like water flowing over our hands. So be more careful in the spending areas.
Mercury and Jupiter trine and that gives us a more hopeful viewpoint about the world in which we live.
Today, promotes our better qualities, and our more noble intentions.
Today, allow our better qualities within … to have us give new things a try.
~Suzanne Wagner~