Numerology/Astrology for 12/8/2022
12/8/2022 is the number 17.
1 + 2 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 17.
1 + 7 = 8
This number 8 makes us take in that breath of life-giving air. It is that sometimes sharp intake of breath that is a surprise as we gasp at what is arising either externally or within our own awareness.
For many this past year has been one of watching many die and leave this world.
Today, we reflect on those many places, people, and things that we have surrendered up.
Breathe in the truth and breathe in the fact that such moments in time can allow us to appreciate what we have even more.
In the blink of an eye.
We will all live and die.
The love in our heart.
Will follow us to a new start.
Those that love us wait on the other side.
There is nothing to fear and even less that we need to hide.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology for Today 12/8/2022
The Moon in Gemini opens us to new ideas and ways of seeing things.
The mood is encouraging to communicate a more balanced perspective and insight that we might have gained over this year.
Life can shock us back into feeling what we have not wanted to address. But change comes when we learn to embrace what is best in others and in ourselves. When we allow wiggle room for the fact that we are all human beings … down here working off karma. Then we can more easily forgive and let the past go.
Juno and Uranus stir the pot and require big changes to happen going forward.
Some will feel the need to lead and move to the front to take charge of things that they feel compelled to improve. Support those that feel that energy and allow them to find their path forward.
It is time to accept others and respect the positive intentions that others are attempting to create.
And it is okay that not all choices are effective.
We learn by trying.
We learn by not denying what is happening.
With fresh eyes and a more positive outlook, it is time to make a big change.
This world is a playground for those that are willing to be fully present and work within the flows of life.
~Suzanne Wagner~