Numerology/Astrology for 4/14/2022
4/14/2022 is the number 15.
4 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 15. Then we can add the 1 + 5 to get the number 6.
The number 6 asks us to pause and fully take in this moment today. Sometimes we need to stop and allow a juncture to filter in. Many things are happening in this world and those things are going to be important and remembered historically.
Just as all of us will remember where we were when JFK was murdered, we will also know and remember this milestone.
As the number 6 is associated with St. Hildegard (a nun and acclaimed artist) it also is contemplative and prayerful.
I plan to sit and meditate and send out prayers to the many souls that are threatened and that includes the plants and animals.
Survival requires concern, care, and compassion. The three “C’s”
But there will be some that will turn the three C’s into confrontation, chaos, and conflict.
Definitely do the first set … not the second set.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology for Today
The Moon will support our productivity and organization that we are implementing today.
As this Moon is in Virgo until later this afternoon, we have plenty of time to pull the many pieces into a form that can contribute to our life and the lives of others.
The Moon will be in opposition to Jupiter and Neptune. Emotionally many things are demanding our attention and time. It may feel as if we are floating through one thing into the next.
Know that maintaining focus might be challenging.
Once the Moon goes into Libra, a better balance is restored, and a calmer demeanor is expressed.
This evening Mars goes into Pisces allowing us to step past some of our old mindsets and help to shift us into a more spiritual perspective. Mars will be in this position until May 24th.
This can push many more humanitarian ideas forward as the needs of so many are much more important than our own comfort. Humanity reaches towards a more idealistic potential.
Demands for action increase and while the energy will continue its “death dance” of chaos … it becomes clear that something must be done … and quickly.
~Suzanne Wagner~