April 13, 2022

Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 4/14/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 13, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology


The honey in life is not what you see.

The sweetness comes from what you can be.

Life can be short, or it can be long.

But we need to learn how to all get along.

Too much of life is wasted in worry.

Too often we are in a hurry.

We have to learn how to care for those.

Who have no food or warm clothes.
We are being called to change and wake up.

We have so much horror that must be cleaned up.

History will not be kind and will tell the tale.

Of how many refused to change and lied on a scale

Unprecedented since the second world war.

And refused to address what could come to our shore.

Peace does not happen just because.

Peace does not remain because of what … was.

Peace is a demand that life will force.

Because too much is lost in the course.

Of those whose egos demand to be satisfied.

And that is why so many have died.

I know that path ahead is fraught with danger.

I know that we must learn to love many strangers.

Rather than continue to divide and acquire.

It is time to inspire and inquire.

It is through knowledge that we move past fear.

And we learn to see past … how things appear.

~Suzanne Wagner~


I am back home, and it was lovely to be in my own bed last night. While a hide-a-bed in a sofa is convenient, it is not very comfortable. My back is still hurting from the mattress. I am sure these pieces of furniture are probably made better now but my mom’s sofa-bed is 30 years old.

It was a good thing to just get to see my mom and help her navigate this process called aging.
I continue to want a world that learns to accommodate our aging population.
I continue to hope that our healthcare systems drastically shift in ways that allow for universal healthcare and kick out the insurance companies that make a profit off of those ill, the elderly, and the mentally challenged by denying service and forcing high deductibles.
I wish for more respect for mathematics and sciences.
I wish for a more educated population that values the real history not the opinionated and slanted one that many want us to swallow.
I wish for truth over opinion and those that finally know the difference.

I wish for a world where hateful people are denied power and influence.
And I wish for a world where war is considered hideous and that the common people finally refuse to listen to egomaniacs or lay down their lives for the carefully constructed lies of those in power.  

~Suzanne Wagner~


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