Numerology/Astrology for 4/15/2022
4/15/2022 is the number 16.
4 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 16. Then we can add the 1 + 6 to get the number 7.
The number 7 gives us the understanding of rhythm and how those flows manifest is how much energy is expended in moments. When one finds that energetic river and becomes one with it, the magic seems to carry us forward with less effort and more wonder.
This is one of my favorite numbers and there was a client that has since evolved past this reality and into the next … that also loved this number.
Today, I remember her sweet and kind heart and I feel into that unique energetic flow that was her life.
We learn to recognize others by their energy and flow. They give us a feeling that is familiar and often their energy harmonizes and aligns with ours in special ways that open us to hidden gifts within.
Many people can be like keys in a door to those places that we do not even know we seek. When some people show us wonders that they naturally hold, that energy expands us in ways that were previously unfamiliar.
Learn to see and appreciate those moments when they come. And learn to let them go as each of us will always need to move on. We cannot hold on to situations in this dimension and time. That is what makes each moment precious and special.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology for Today
The Moon in Libra helps us sit in the middle and observe what is unfolding. Put big decisions aside for the time being. Choices will sort themselves out over the next few days. It is important to gather up all the information that is going to be needed before we make any big decisions.
Many things are challenging us as Mercury semi-squares to both Neptune and Jupiter.
Clarity and certainty may seem to escape us. While we want to walk in those places of idealistic hope, something is growing and it is a dangerous cancer that wants to suck life from places and destroy truth.
Do not expect this day to flow with ease and grace.
It will reveal even more horror and disgrace.
There are those that reach beyond what they own. While others resist and refuse to condone.
The aggression that tears at the fabric of life.
And wants to destroy and continue the strife.
What is unfolding is difficult to digest.
Because too many are lost and distressed.
While we look to the facts and try to understand.
Those with power will continue to take … and demand.
That is why we must stop sitting on our hands.
And take back what is right and give back the lands.
That have belonged to one group for eons of time.
Then demand retribution for these war crimes.
~Suzanne Wagner~