April 14, 2022

Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 4/15/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 14, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology


I wish that there were no more dog tags.

I wish for no need for toe tags.

I know that death will continue to endure.
But there are solutions that humans obscure.
The magic that can come into a soul.

Always moves through … because that is the goal.

We cannot hang on to that magic inside.
It belongs to the universe and to us it is not tied.

But we can attract it in by our hopes and dreams.

We only need to learn to follow its streams.

We are a mixture of dust from the stars.

Mixed with bits of Venus and a scattering of Mars.

But what we do … with the magic that comes.

Is what moves our passions and beats great drums.

Sometimes that magic is more than we know.

Sometimes that magic causes a radiant glow.

Let that magic weave a direction within.

And allow a wonderful life … to finally begin.

~Suzanne Wagner~


All things will move forward, the past is already gone.
As one day ends there will always be another dawn.
Feel into the flow that shows us the journey ahead.
Do not worry or allow those feelings of dread.

Change will come to all of us.
There is no need to resist and make a fuss.

Within the patterns that create all forms and times.

There are beginnings, struggles, and hard things to climb.

But in the end … there is a point one always sees.
That we are interconnected with the bees and the breeze.

We must learn to stop pushing and instead feel.

We are to learn what is illusion and what is real.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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