April 17, 2022

Numerology/Astrology for 4/18/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 17, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 4/18/2022

4/18/2022 is the number 19.

4 + 1 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 19. Then we can add the 1 + 9 to get the number 10.

The number 10 is associated with the planet Jupiter. It loves to expand all things it touches. This is a lucky number that can expand the potential within your soul to bring forth new things that can make a difference.

While expansion is often terrifying it is a natural process that all life learns, to survive.
It is often exciting and profitable when one is willing to take the risks this number requires.

The trick is to not get lazy, extravagant, luxury-loving, or blindly optimistic.
All those things take one out of productive movement and into narcissism and ego.
After all … life is about balance.

This number is a reminder that what we want does not mean others want the same. Using power to only get one’s own needs met will belittle the greater gift of this number which is to allow the expansiveness to support … larger cooperative environments.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology for Today

The Moon spends this day in Scorpio until it is time to go to sleep. And then it will go into Sagittarius.

But today’s intensity is continuing to build up and it can bring buried fears, to the surface.
Tomorrow will bring a more spirited response to today’s drive for more depth. And that can really help our attitude. But for the moment, we are learning …  how … to flow with the emotional uncertainty first.
The intense Sun in aggressive Aries brings more fighting into the world. But it also will bring it into our personal sphere.
It squares to Pluto and brings this Easter weekend into a place where it is difficult to trust others.
We are being asked to bear witness to the tremendous challenges ahead in a world that is so bitterly divided and in such upset.

Many in power will want to use their power against anyone and everyone that tries to oppose tyranny. Conflicts become more public, and we will watch the personal lives of others be destroyed for the egos of a few.

This can be a difficult place to witness.
It is painful to watch and wait.
Change is inevitable and what is going to be required from all of us to help rebuild will be astronomical.

Those that continue to hold superficial projections and beliefs … are getting further out of touch with the enormous and powerful trends and shifts that are obviously unfolding.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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