September 23, 2022

Numerology/Astrology for 9/24/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 23, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 9/24/2022

9/24/2022 is the number 21.

9 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 21.

Then we can add the 2 + 1 to get the number 3.

The Number 3 reminds us to look towards the longer termed goals. Know full well that most things take an enormous amount of time to manifest, and some can even take lifetimes of effort and practice before we are good at them.

Life is about the ups and downs, the trials and errors. We learn by the mistakes and while the mistakes are not a problem in the learning process, there is a moment when the soul needs to awaken and recognize that repetitive actions along the same dysfunctional lines will cause harm and will accumulate karmic suffering if allowed to continue.

I know that I have learned the lesson when I can neutrally walk away and continue my life.

I know I have learned the lesson when I do not cling to an outcome that was never offered or that was forthcoming.
I know I have learned the lesson when I am not afraid of stepping on my own life’s path, and I let go of wanting something that was never mine to have in the first place.
I know I have learned the lesson when I see my life path as perfect for what I came into learn and what my soul needed most.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology for Today

There is a New Moon tomorrow and that can make us want to slow things down and remember the good in life.
The Virgo Moon wants to fly straight, but the astrology seems to not be helping the focus or the clarity that this Moon prefers.

Venus will oppose Neptune adding to the emotional conundrum. If you feel frustrated or exasperated know that you are not alone.

Expectations are high and it may seem as if those we thought to depend upon fall through the cracks.

Watch the money aspects carefully. Things may feel tight.

We want consistency but seem to be handed uncertainty instead. Those things that are unrealistic … illuminate the things that have become non-functioning.

Put all decisions on the back-burner as there are numerous delays that will continue to impact our social, and romantic projections.

Listen with your heart and remember that all aggressive actions that harm others with the attachments we addictively project onto others will never manifest what we want.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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