January 3, 2023

Numerology for 12/30/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: January 3, 2023Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology for 12/30/2022


12/30/2022 is the number 12.

1 + 2 + 3 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 12.

1 + 2 = 3


The Number 3 reminds us to listen to others with an open heart. We are learning to love but sometimes that beginning is about taking a deep breath, dropping into our chest, feeling our protected heart, and deciding to do what is the right thing over the easy thing.
Compassion takes time and effort. That is partially why people choose to keep their heart safe and protected.
Compassion means to feel past oneself and into the needs, hurts, and hearts of others. We can be compassionate and not know how to help. But recognizing that compassionate nature is the start for better choices and actions later.

When we wall ourselves away from the suffering that is in life, we end up cold, distant, and inflexible.

Even if you do not have the ability to help … kind words, a smile, or recognition of another is a wonderful gift.
There are souls that have so much suffering and pain going on, that one does not know where to begin.
There are souls that are so caught up in the karmic suffering of other lifetimes that they cannot see how they continue to manifest the same dysfunction over and over again.
And still … we can be kind and do our best to not cause more harm.

I also find that sending them energy that will give them faith and belief in themselves is also helpful. We can hold another in our mind to their highest potential and reflection. Even if they are clearly not there at that moment.
But looking down on others and having hateful thoughts while they are trapped in their own self-created loops of karma … only supports the trap in which they have placed themselves.

I find that those with the trap that is the hardest to get out of … are the ones that they cannot see.
Too often blaming others for our choices, words, actions, and circumstances is that terrible trap.

I know from being a massage therapist for 30 years that healers are a conduit that can help magnify one’s own willingness to heal.
You cannot heal someone who does not believe they can be healed.
You cannot open a closed mind.
You cannot get someone out of their own trap if they cannot see the lock that they put on their own cage.

And yet, we can have great compassion and operate from the places of kindness … as we wait for the opening of awareness within their being.
Once they decide to take the key and unlock the door, that is the moment they are choosing life over the karmic suffering of their old self. That is the moment that they can begin to break out of their own loop.
That is where they are beginning to take full responsibility for their choices and actions.
And then the good intentions and healing that was so desperately needed … is finally wanted and becomes possible.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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