September 14, 2018

Numerology/Astrology fo r9/14/18 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 14, 2018Categories: Astrology/Numerology



Astrology Today

The Moon continues to be in Scorpio all day until it enters Sagittarius at almost 9 pm. Thus continuing the introspection and looking deep into your subconscious and past. You cannot change patterns and habits if you do not see them objectively as destructive or oppressive. The Moon in Scorpio is giving you that long look deep into the bowels of the things you need to let go of. Combined with Jupiter in Scorpio for the last 10 months or so, makes it obligatory in nature. Each of us have had to take a look at the not so pretty side of our hidden patterns of distortions that have blocked us from awakening. Some of those are shocking to see when they are revealed in the powerful light of Jupiter. With the Moon and Jupiter in the same place at the same time, has a great potential to have something burst forth. Whatever that is, let it run for a moment.

The theme seems to be. Let things happen. Let the opportunities continue to grow. There is the beginning of a deeper cooperation. Let the flow dictate the actions to take next.

Honesty and open truth over the next few days rules. Finally! As we all take a collective breath of fresh air. Though the edge is to speak out without taking yourself too seriously. Details to manifest those ideas will need to come later.

Expect something to be revealed or learned today. I am sure all of you are a bit exhausted by the constant state of surprise as the normal has been thrown out the window in the face of the absurd and bizarre. But continue this transit we all will. So we might as well expect it rather than react to it from our “fight or flight” survival code. Just know that any attempt to manipulate or control others is just driven by your fear.

New pathways are preparing to open up. So focus on exploring those with zest and gusto. Otherwise the energy of restlessness may make life uncomfortable.

More questions are going to get raised. Discussions are going to be heated and there is a type of nervousness underlying all decisions and choices.
~Suzanne Wagner~



We are the chaos of this storm
This is what happens when angels
fall in love with a demon.
Birthing span that are hellbound
and tied to the chaos.
Lost in the hunger for immensity
A child mind thirsting for power.
Holding the color of crayon that is chaos.
Shading this world
in the fragility of the demented.
Our life, that is beautiful and fragile
is now like feathers exploding out of a pillow
that is being shot with an AK-47.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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