October 17, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 10/19/18 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 17, 2018Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 10/19/18


10/19/18 is the number 4. The number 4 is a number that seeks peace, harmony, and justice. All those things require balanced mental and emotional capabilities. Alignment is essential for harmonizing discordant things. Compromise is always possible if you hold an open mind and move through life as if you are a “hollow bamboo”.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

Mercury’s trine to Neptune today inspires flights of fantasy and imagination. While escapism is good, as the day progresses, more and more irritation may arise.

There is a Mercury/Mars square that will poke disagreements and limited patience. Do your best to say calm. You may feel that you have to have the floor and have to be heard. Your opinions and thoughts while seemingly important need to come from a place that allows for engagement of others also. If you refuse to yield the floor to others it will be difficult if not impossible to have a healthy dialogue. Instead, controversy will follow you so be careful how you say things and what you actually are saying. It will be a bit too easy to end up in big disagreements because of not communicating what you heart says and instead repeating rhetoric that others have infected your mind with.

A fire is being lit so you want to use that energy wisely. There is a chance that certain conversations will bring an opening up to a new way of thinking and seeing.

The Moon starts out the day in Aquarius, allowing for a bold approach and a willingness to risk. But in the later afternoon the Moon goes into Pisces. This is an emotional a moody place for the Moon. Clarity might seem to diminish, and a disorienting quality takes over.

There is an amplification of our interconnectedness.

There is a lot in water now. Venus and Jupiter are in Scorpio. Neptune is in Pisces. And the Moon is in Pisces. We are being pulled deeper and deeper into the dark end of the ocean. Emotions will continue to heighten as we move closer to the time of Scorpio. This is all building up to the election. Know that the oppositions are going to increase, and you need to be on your best behavior. So, start practicing self-control now. The Republicans are attempting to rile up their base and breed fear to promote violence. Do not fall into that trap that is being prepared for you to step into.

No matter what, you cannot let hopelessness break the spirit, vitality, and potential that has always been America. This country was founded to be a refuge from hate not the breeder of hate in the world. You were born into this time for a reason. You came to bring hope in a time of madness. Do not let the powerful and greedy make you a puppet. Claim your freedom. Claim your independence. Claim your country back.
~Suzanne Wagner~



You’ve got to go at the rate you can go.

You wake up at the rate you wake up.

You’re finished with your desires at the rate you finish with your desires. The disequilibrium comes into harmony at the rate it comes into harmony.

~Excerpt from “Be Here Now” by Ram Dass~





What is the metaphor of a “hollow bamboo”?

It is tantric concept that allows you to be empty inside. That you learn to empty your mind and to think of nothing. That within, you have a space that can rest and be at ease without thinking and without the need to take action.

In this world, humanity needs activity. But activity shows that you are obsessed with something. I remember, being bored by a conversation and needing to move, needing to do something. I needed an activity to deal with the discomfort of my mind and as a way to avoid noticing the discomfort of others. My anxiety was a response to the inauthentic expressions of others.

But if you cannot remain authentically yourself in the energy of another’s discomfort you are not on your own center. If you can feel into the emptiness within, that hollow bamboo within, you can sit in silence and observe without discomfort. If you cannot remain inactive in the face of another’s madness you flow into the dance of activity and your own insanity.

Action is beautiful when it comes from spontaneous response.

Dancing taught me how to do that.

Listening to the music and allowing the music to move me, allowed me to feel into the emptiness that is the majority of all spaces. From being in the emptiness and allowing the music to fill it up, then spontaneous movement arises which is joyful and real.

Situations and circumstances cause us to act. But the mind is a tricky thing. It will find a rationalization for you to act.

Flaring with anger is an action but it is not needed. Often the situation never demanded it. It was irrelevant in that moment. But your mind will try to find a rationalization to justify that action.

Those rationalizations allow you to remain unconscious about your own inner madness. Those rationalizations are “buffers” so you say asleep. Buffers allow you to absorb the shock of a moment and also allow you to not see the situation fully.

You can never relax if you obsessively need to take action.

The fools in this world tell you that you need to “do” something.

Those same types of fools tell you “An empty mind is the devil’s workshop”.

But an empty mind is a pure mind. An empty mind is an open mind. And an empty mind is a beautiful thing to behold.

An empty mind is dangerous to egos and the powerful because it gives the divine an opportunity to enter you. And in that moment you no longer will need a teacher, guru, or book.

People today so desperately need an activity that the television becomes a “bible” and the news has become the “Gita”. Such people are no longer present. They need to feel the reactive mind to feel okay. Inside such a soul is a feverish state of mind, a soul that cannot relax, a soul that is lost. When you cannot relax, habit persist and controls you.

Most people need activity when pure action has no relevance.

How much of your energy is wasted in mindless activity? A totally relaxed person is simple and non-obsessive. From that place energy can build up so that when there is a moment for authentic action to happen it flows free and totally like a dance taking over the body filling the space with the emptiness of spontaneous authenticity.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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